Q&A With: Owner Tara Miko of Happy Hemp

Who? Tara Miko
What? Happy Hemp
When? 2011
Where? HOPE Farmers Market and SFC Farmers Market Downtown
Why? Tara worked in the fashion industry in a super stressful job and eventually got laid off after 10 years. She lost her health insurance and all the comfort that comes along with being employed. After this happened she became stressed out, wasn’t happy and noticed she was having lots of digestion problems. One day she heard about hemp and decided to try it (she was skeptical just like anyone would be) and liked it. She became obsessed by it because it was so hard to get in the U.S. One day she tried some hemp from Canada and noticed that it tasted much better and the flavor was a lot richer. Voila! Happy Hemp was born!

What’s hemp? It’s a super food that is rich in vitamins and essential amino acids. It promotes healthy hair, nails, skin, sleep, is a digestive aid, and just overall promotes well being. Oh yeah and it’s gluten-free, vegan, and certified organic so you can check that off your list. Check! Tara already did that for you.

How do I eat hemp seeds? Just sprinkle Happy Hemp on any food, in drinks or eat it as is and get your dosage of goodness and yummy for the day.

Where can I get some? Happy Hemp sells at SFC Famers Market Downtown Austin on Saturdays from 9am-1pm, HOPE Farmers Market on Sundays from 11am-3pm and various other health food store locations around town. If you can’t make it on the weekends Tiny Taiga sells Happy Hemp during the week.

Make sure you check out Happy Hemplike them on FB, and follow them on Twitter!

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