Q&A With Chloe Chiang

Chloe Chiang is a 2011 UT graduate who has been in real estate for four years now and loves every minute of her job and the city that she lives in. Last week I sat down with Chloe to ask her a few questions about Austin, TX and real estate, two of her favorite things!

Mary: Where are you from?

Chloe: Born and raised in the Houston Texas area in Missouri City.

Mary: Why real estate?

Chloe: I enjoy all the different aspects of real estate. I never get bored and I’m always learning something new. It’s about being educated about everything in the city and around you. Plus, I’m my own boss. I don’t have any one telling me where to be or what to wear. I have a lot of freedom being a real estate agent. I set my own goals, not some company goal.

Mary: What are some of your favorite places to eat in Austin?

Chloe: Uchi, Uchiko, Food Heads, Eddie V’s and Ramen Tatsu.

Mary: What are you favorite things to do in Austin?

Chloe: I like going to the lake, music festivals, relaxing, watching TV series, working out, hanging out with my dog and happy hours.

Mary: What’s the one place you would like to visit if you could go anywhere in the world?

Chloe: Thailand! I hear the beaches and food there are amazing.

Mary: Do you have any pets?

Chloe: I have a 10lb maltipoo named Mia Bella.

Mary: What suggestions do you have for people who would like to get into real estate?

Chloe: Do your research. Pick a real estate company and interview multiple of them. Make sure the one you pick is the right one for you. They need to be good mentors and support you through all the steps that you take.

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